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Eastern Greens and Livestock is a leading Agri-farming company in the East of Africa that is focused on rearing animals in very innovative modern standards, growing orchards and transforming the environment of the arid region by planting trees.

EGL Beef



Beef feedlot farming is a system of intensive animal farming for finishing off livestock before slaughter. The aim is to increase the amount of meat in cattle as quickly as possible, mainly by feeding grain-based rations in a confined space. This allows higher and faster weight gain than on free range grazing on pasture. It is an effort to achieve a consistent supply of quality beef that meets the market requirements for premium quality. It also maintains production when pasture is not readily available.

EGL Feedlot

The feedlot system has been in use since 1876 by Gustavas Swift. Feedlots were however perfected and commercialized in the period between 1950 and 1960. This period saw great gains in grain production through use of hybrids and irrigation techniques. Farmers then desired to put more land under grain farming – subsequently reducing the acreage under cattle pasture. It also meant that more grain was available for livestock. Feedlots, or feed yards as they were sometimes referred to were a solution that allowed maximum returns on the acreage available for farmers while shortening the period for cattle finishing for slaughter.



Animals for selection into the feeding program are sourced from open markets. Previously the farm has gotten animals from Bomet market but has recently switched to Bissil Market in Kajiado due to some observed improved rate of gains in livestock breed improvement for cattle from that region.

The preferred breed for selection is Sahiwal and Borana bulls. A mix of Sahiwal and Charolais is ideal for weight gain but is hard to source.

Only rarely do they incorporate Boran breed, locally known as ‘Somali’ cows as they tend to have a small frame and bone structure and thin legs.

Boran Cows

The target live weight of cattle going into the program is 300 kilograms. This however is not the sole selection criteria. A good body frame with sturdy bone structure is ideal for good gains.

The animals are individually monitored from day one until sale or slaughter. Each animal is tagged with an ear tag showing source, date of entry and weight. They are also checked for illness and any other problems. Some may have physical injuries from travel or previous mistreatment and these issues need to be addressed before incorporation into the feeding program. They are also vaccinated against local diseases.

The animals are then introduced into the feedlot. Here they are put on a high gain diet. Currently they are fed on High Gain Fattening feed sourced from the farms mill. The feed is composed of a mash of maize germ, wheatbran, cotton seed cake, wheat stalks, molasses, soybean, cottonseed and essential minerals. Water is provided round the clock at the enclosure.

Because this diet is energy and weight gain intensive, the cattle are not in danger of overfeeding. They simply stop feeding when their requirements are satisfied. There is thus little wastage of feed with every animal allocated 8 kilograms of feed per day.

Thanks to tagging of animals, close monitoring is possible. The animals are periodically checked for health, appearance, liveliness and feeding habits. This helps to reach the target weight for each individual animal as well as general progress.

It is estimated that with a good breed of bull, good feed and water a live weight gain of up to 1.6 kilograms per day is possible.

The targeted exit or finished weight of the cattle is 450 kilograms and this is expected in 90 days in the feeding program. The cattle variously gain between 120 and 180 kilograms of live weight over the duration of the program. The targeted weight of a finished bull is 450 kilograms live weight.